Registration and maintenance of your domain name is the first step. The domain
name is your address on the World Wide Web. Once registered, your domain name is
yours for the registration/renewal period you select.
Registration periods are 1, 2, 3, 5, or 10 years.
Domain names may end in .com, .net, .mobi, .ca, .asia, .co, .org, .us, .tv, .cc, .info,
.me, .biz or .ws (more are added periodically. Pre-registration for the 700+ new domain names is going on now.)
Domain Name Registration Types: There are five types of registration: regular,
private, deluxe, business and protected.
Domain Name Services |
Domain Name Registration: Domain Name Registration for a single domain name and 1
year duration is included in the Web Site Package.
Registration of multiple domain names and/or domain registration for longer periods
may be done separately or in conjunction with your Web Site Package.
Domain Name Renewal: Renewal of your registered domain name(s) may be done
separately. Renewal periods are 1, 2, 3, 5, or 10 years.
Domain Name Transfers: Transfer of your domain name(s) may be done separately.
Transfer of your domain name(s) includes an automatic renewal for year.